What I'm most thankful for this year


Thank you, next.

That’s what I’m gonna say after I finish my FIRST plate of food at the Thanksgiving table today. Anyone else wearing a more forgiving outfit today for optimal eating? Just me? KEWL.

Anyways, I’m gonna try and be serious for a second and use proper English.

I’ve been thinking A LOT about what I’m grateful for lately. And while I’ve really dropped the ball on keeping up with my gratitude journal, I feel like today of all days I should reflect on how lucky I am in so many ways.


This year has taught me a lot. But what I’m coming to realize is how fortunate I am to have people in my life who believe in me (thanks Greater Palm Springs CVB!), support me (thanks mom & dad) and ground me (thanks friends who keep it VERY real).  2018 has been a year full of risks and rewards. And thankfully, my massive decision to leave a job I was comfortable at in order to pursue a passion project I’ve always dreamed of has worked out. So here’s my laundry list of all the things I’m grateful for. I’d love it if you would comment on this post with what you’re most grateful for this year.

Okay. Here goes!

Being home for the holidays. It’s been 4 years since I’ve been able to come home for Thanksgiving because I’d normally be working today. I can’t tell you how happy I am to be surrounded by my family and friends this year.  Never take time at home or with your family for granted.

The ability to focus on growing my business while having the support of my parents. It’s not been an easy task figuring ALL of this out.  I went to school to write and report the news, but I certainly didn’t expect I’d be running my own business. Learning what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur usually involves LONG days and LOTS of hard work. It’s nice to have a team (my parents) behind me while I figure it out.


Travel! This year has been one for the books in terms of travel. I’ve checked 4 new countries off my list in the last two months.  I visited the Taj Mahal and gazed at the tallest building in the world. These are sights many people might never see in their lifetime and I will never take how fortunate I’ve been to see them for granted.

My community.  Launching a blog, focusing on my social media strategy, growing my business, it’s all for YOU! I wanted to grow a community of like minded women who love to travel as much as I do and want to learn how to make it a reality for them.  I’m so happy to see so many women share a similar passion. I can’t thank all of you enough for supporting my goals and dreams and following along with me on this journey. So much love for my #galsabroad.

My gal pals.  I am so proud to call my friends, my friends. It’s been amazing watching them grow, succeed in their jobs, get married, HAVE BABIES (hey Mal!). It’s inspiring to see my girlfriends flourish. I’ve gotten to reconnect with many of my high school and college friends since being back home in Chicago and I’ve gotta say, it’s been so much fun.  You know you’re lifelong friends when you don’t see each other for a while but can pick up right where you left off.


I’m really thankful for dry shampoo. That’s really all I have to say about that lol.

Other women killing the game. The internet can be a really great place or a place that allows you to constantly compare yourself to others. And while I certainly fall prey to the later… I mostly see social media and the internet as an amazingly inspiring space. I love watching other female boss babes succeed and I feel so grateful to those who share their knowledge and expertise with others looking to do the same.

My health.  There’s been a few times this year where I’ve really been struck by how fortunate I am to be walking on my own two feet. I don’t think we take enough time when we’re healthy to think about how amazing that is.  I know things can change in an instant and I want to never take my well being for granted.


My passport. In a world where your passport can literally be the one thing that stands between you and a country, I am thankful to have one that allows me to continue to see and experience beautiful places in this world.  I know not everyone is as fortunate as me in that respect.

Coffee. Thank you for getting me through sleepy mornings and long nights. I love you.

New beginnings. There is something so refreshing about an open road of possibilities. It’s scary and exciting at the same time. I hope all of you get to experience this feeling at some point in your life. I think it’s an immensely transformative time.


There you have it folks!

I want to wish all of you a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving! I hope you’re lucky enough to spend it with the people you love.

