10 quick & easy Halloween costume ideas


Halloween is right around the corner and I have a serious question to ask you…

Are you team Kit Kat or Reeses?

Not the question you were expecting huh? Well, that’s because it wasn’t the real question I wanted to ask… What I really wanted to know is if YOU know what you’re going to be for halloween this year? Are you hitting the town? Or staying home with the candy? Either way, there’s no excuse not to have a rocking costume.

Halloween is my all time favorite holiday. Yes, I love it more than Christmas.  Growing up I used to count down the days until we could bring out the Halloween decorations and transform our house into spooky town for all the neighborhood kids. You guys I’m not kidding… our house was overflowing with Halloween decor. We had a 10 foot tall witch that was mounted to a poll in our front yard if that gives you any idea how into this holiday my family was.   

But there’s really no Halloween celebration worth having without the perfect costume. Now, I know it can be a little daunting to decide what to be every year. Especially if you want to do something creative. Not to worry I’ve got you covered with ALL the ideas.  Mainly, I’ll show you what my friends and I have been over the years and I’m giving you FULL permission to copy these ideas. In fact I would LOVE it if you use any of these ideas, tag me in your photos! I want to see.


Group Costume Ideas:

The 4 Seasons: This I think has to be my most favorite Halloween costume of all time.  We each made our own outfits with things we kind of already had. I took it a step further and hot glued leaves I bought at Michaels onto a tutu because go big or go home right?

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Ice Cream: This was a fun one and I totally think we started a trend because I saw so many ice cream costumes on Pinterest after we wore this #humble. Any who, we bought felt to make the waffle cone skirt and drew lines on it to look like the waffle cone lines. Then we got plain t shirts and cut them to look like ice cream and glued little sparkly paper “sprinkles” on top. Last but not least we bought these styrofoam things and added red sparkles to the top with a pipe cleaner to make the cherry on our head.

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Crazy Weird Monsters: I have no idea how we came up with this idea but it was a fun one. We found this fuzzy fabric at Joann Fabrics and kind of created this weird headpiece thing. I would love to be able to give you step by step instructions on this one but we kind of made it up as we went along lol.

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A Bouquet of Flowers: This was an easy one. Each of us picked a different flower and went to Hobby Lobby and snagged a few stems of our respective flower. We found cheap tops and glued the flowers to the front.  Then we found green maxi skirts online and that was our “stem”.


Solo Costume Ideas:

Fairy Shot Mother: I’ll be honest this was a last minute creation of mine.  I found this pink tulle skirt and knew I needed to make a costume out of it. I was shopping at Windsor and there were fairy wings so I was like I could be some sort of fairy with the skirt and the wings. Then to make things more fun I figured I’d be a fairy shot mother and go around giving people shots all night. Everyone LOVED this costume lol.


Harry Potter: I think you already know I’m obsessed with HP. So it was crazy that it took me 25 years to dress up as him for Halloween. This is a super simple costume. You can find a shirt like the one I’m wearing on Amazon.  Then while you’re there snag the glasses and the wand and you’re in business.


Circus Ring Leader: Okay so not all of my outfits are totally original lol. I bought this one online. But it was a super fun costume AND I was able to resell it on Poshmark after I wore it. Score!


Witch: If you’re lazy AF and want a quick and easy costume to wear (especially to work) pick up a cool witch hat and you’re done. I found mine at Pier One (random right?) but they have awesome hats that aren’t too expensive.


Alien:  I think this was a fun costume to put together. I found the main pieces on this website called DollsKill (you should check it out!). It’s full of crazy festival fashion and fun clothing pieces. The rest of the pieces I found at cheap stores on Melrose in LA.


Audrey Hepburn: This is a classic and AGAIN pretty easy to nail. All you need is a simple black dress, a pearl necklace, gloves and a sparkly headpiece.  I got all these things on amazon and I mean finding a LBD is SUPER easy. I linked some options below!


I’ll leave you with this awesome oldie of my werkin my witch costume. No matter what you decide to be this year, make sure your Halloween is filled with lots of BOOze, tricks and treats.

Also if you have any questions about any of these outfits and how to make them come to life feel free to shoot me a DM on insta or send me an email hello@alleabroad.com. I'd be happy to help!


Happy Halloween Witches!

